What No One Ever Told Me About Me

For Trainers and Facilitators

A training for social and emotional healing and skill-building

The facilitator’s guide, participant workbook, self-guided workbook, and downloadable slides are below.

A training for healing emotional wounds and learning the skills for maintaining rewarding relationships and a positive view of ourselves.

Facilitator’s Guide

This training delivers insights and strategies customized to each person’s needs, desires, and life. What No One Ever Told Me About Me is a revolutionary, research-driven, evidence-based training that provides strategic steps, thought-provoking questions, and effective strategies proven to bring healing to the “hard-to-reach” areas of your life where emotional scars reside.

All the instructions, worksheets, assessments, scripts, and commentary are in one book to ensure easy implementation.

Participant workbooks are sold separately.

Vibrant, lightly animated, downloadable PowerPoint slides for added engagement.

Participant Workbook

Participant Workbook for Training Attendees:

Using this workbook during trainings will:

  • Deliver insights proven to bring healing to the “hard-to-reach” areas of your life where emotional scars reside.

  • Reveal the keys to healing negative and destructive feelings and emotions.

  • Introduce participants to strategies for achieving and maintaining a fulfilling life.

  • Uncover steps for discovering a future filled with hope and possibilities.

Facilitator’s Guides are sold separately.

For those moments when no facilitator is needed.

Self-Guided Workbook